Schedule: New Registrar Orientation Teaching Sessions January–February 2019


10 January          9am - 4.30pm (all day)   9am: RANZCP training intro | 1.30pm: Electronic forms (Felicity)

17 January          1 - 4.30pm                        Risk Assessment (Felicity)

24 January          9am - 12.30pm               Assessment/Mental State (Gary Cheung)

31 January          1 - 4.30pm                          Acute Psychiatry (Felicity)

7 February          1 - 4.30pm                        Intro to Antipsychotics (Felicity)

28 February        1 - 4.30pm                        Mental Health Act (Felicity)


All are at our Training Centre at the Greenlane Clinical Centre. See here for maps and parking suggestions:

Your supervisors have been informed about these. If you have difficulty getting away to attend any of these sessions please email Felicity (as below) for assistance.

If you're a new-start 1st year registrar from 10th December and you can't make it to any of these sessions (because of leave or nights) please email Felicity and let her know.